Daycare Policies
I. Pick up and drop off: except for parents and guardians (designated on the day care contract), no one without written permission from the parents or guardians can pickup children.
In order to maintain a safe, clean and comfortable environment to all kids in the day care home, parents cannot stay inside the facility longer than10 minutes for daily in and out activities, unless agreed by the provider for some special reasons. Also the parking space on the street is very limited, please do not park too long.
II. Fees:
1. Late arrival: parents must pickup their children before 5:00 pm; if late, the charges will be $1.- per minute.
2. Check bounce: bounced checks incur a fee of $30 per check.
III. Deposit:
Security Deposit is required. $150.- for part-time child and $300.- for full-time child. The deposit will be refund upon the completion of this contract.
IV Operating hours: Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. (Special requirement can be arranged).
We observe public holidays, including: New Year's Day,
Chinese New Year,
Martin Luther King Jr. Day,
President’s Day,
Memorial Day,
Independence Day,
Labor Day,
Thanksgiving Day
The day after Thanksgiving Day,
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
We will take two weeks paid vacation a year. There will be at least two months notice given prior to the vacation time.
V. Sick Leaves and Absences:
1. Sick Leaves: during time in day care, if a child is found by a teacher to exhibit the below symptoms, we will immediately contact the parents to take the child home or to see a doctor. This is for the benefit of your child and other children at the day care.
Fever (above 99 degree F or 37.2 degrees C), Diarrhea, Vomiting, Conjunctivitis, or Lice.
2. Absence: if your child cannot attend day care due to sickness or other reason, please contact us and give us as much advanced notice as possible. We can adjust activities and schedule to best accommodate.
VI. Necessities
* one outfit of clean clothes
* water cup and milk bottle (to be used only by your
* disposable diapers (if required)
一. 接送: 除父母或监护人外(在托儿合约书上列明的), 任何人没有家长或监护人的同意,不能接走孩子。 如有亲戚朋友代接孩子,必须有父母或监护人签名的同意书。为了给所有孩子一个安全, 干净和舒适的环境, 家长在接送孩子的时候一般停留不超过十分钟, 除非托儿所另有安排. 路上的停车位非常有限, 请停留时间不要太长.
1.迟到费用:家长要在下午5:00 之前接孩子, 迟到要交费用: 每分钟收一美元.
2. 支票退票: 我们将收取每张退票的支票30元费用。
三. 按金/保证金: 每位part-time儿童须付$150按金, full time 的儿童须付$300按金, 离所前如无违反双方的协定, 将全数退还.
四. 托儿时间: 星期一到星期五 上午8:00 -下午5:00 (如有需要, 可另外安排)
公众假期休息, 包括: 新年, 中国新年, 马丁路得金纪念日、 总统日、亡兵纪念日, 国庆日, 劳动节, 感恩节及感恩节后一日, 圣诞前夕及圣诞节。 每年我们的有薪 假期为两周, 休假前两个月我们会将具体时间通知家长.
五. 生病和请假
1. 生病: 孩子在托儿所期间,如老师发现孩子有下列症状,会立即通知家长,请家长务必接孩子去医院看病或回家休息,这样对你的孩子和托儿所的其他孩子都有好处。
发烧, (体温超过华氏99度,攝氏37.2度.)
呕吐、 拉肚子、红眼病,、结膜炎和 头虱
2. 请假: 如孩子因病或其它任何原因不能到托儿所, 请家长们务必提前通知所方,以便所方对当天的活动和安排作出相应的调整。
六. 须带物品
纸尿布 (如有需要)